Monday, February 27, 2012

Yet another Monday has arrived

Well hello Monday, glad we have met again!  Today will be day 5 of having a 4 year old boy at our bungalow.  A four year old with special needs, he does not talk, but I completely amazed by just how well he has been able to communicate all his needs, wants and issues with us.  Man, oh man, have I fogotten what it is like to have a toddler in the house 24/7.  I think age has caught up to me or something because I just do not remember just how tiring it can be.  Waking up at 6 am, on a Saturday, are you kidding me!  All in all, we have enjoyed every minute with him.  When, again is his mom coming back?   What to do today, raining and a 4 year old.  Right now he is content with cartoons, but I do not like the TV on all day, so I will have to come up with something and SOON.  I do have several projects I was wanting to complete today, so fingers crossed after DD #2 gets out of her classes she will occupy his time till she has to leave for work.

Over the weekend we did take him to Lazy 5 Ranch, and he had a blast!  He certainly was not afraid of a single thing, his Aunt Tara did not enjoy the ostriches at all!  It was simply an AWESOME day for him.  He will be explaining,  in his way,  all about what he saw and did.  Right now I am uploading all the photos that we took (542 WOW) onto his communication board (SpringBoard Lite) so that when he goes to school tomorrow he can show off his trip during show and tell.

We got some real amazing photos, one that surprised us a little, we actually had to check to make sure he still had both his ears :)  Guess the angle of the camera made it appear as if the bull was taken his ear off.  He was so cute, if the animals were being aggressive with the fed buckets he would stick out his hand at their nose and say "BOP" (which translates to stop)

We rode in the bed of the truck the whole way through and except for the few times, Aunt Tara had to lay in the center of the bed to stay clear from those hated Ostriches, we sat near the edge and fed all the animals.

If you are ever in North Carolina, near Race County, USA, you really need to stop by and drive thru this great ranch.

Hope you enjoy your Monday!

Monday, February 20, 2012

Simply Me

Just a typical woman who has way too much energy to sit and just watch TV.  I live a manic world of work, talking, and anything that has to do with yarn or fabric.  I am a "Mama" first, Wife second and daughter/friend third.   Never met a stranger, some even say I would talk to a brick wall if it would only talk back.  I am a goof ball, and ask loads of questions, I believe that inquiring minds have bigger brains.  I thrive on facts and knowledge; the nuts and bolts.  Passionate reader of all materials, would rather read and use my imagination to visualize the story rather than watch something on TV.  I am going to be a GiGi (grand mom) soon and over the moon with this.  Hope you enjoy my blog, please forgive me if I go off in left field and then go back to first base, I have a tendency to divert often. 

Make it a Bright day!